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Vídeos filmados com um smartphone

Videos: 5 Reasons to use and abuse this format in your business communication


1. More Information In Less Time & Easier To Assimilate

This is the first reason that helps explain the success of the video. It is said that an image is worth more than a thousand words, because one minute of video can fit almost two million words. This means that compared to the written format, the video allows you to give more information in less time, enabling a more efficient communication.

Video is also an excellent complement to text: 72% of users prefer to consume video content on pages that alternate written with audiovisual content (State of Video Marketing, 2017).

In addition, video content is easier to assimilate due to the possibility of association between images, sounds and texts, which facilitates the retention of content in our memory. According to Worldstream data for the year 2018, users retain 95% of information on video and only 10% in text.

The possibility of including animations, graphics and other resources helps to simplify the explanation of more technical and complex content, increasing the possibility of the public to understand and identify with the message, something demonstrated by a study by the State of Video Marketing, which concluded that 95% of users watch a video in order to better understand a product or service.

2. Huge Versatility of Formats and Content

There are numerous types of video content that can and should be explored to start reaching more personal and potentially increase your sales:

  • Institutional video presenting your company’s business
  • Videos announcing the launch of new products
  • Live transmissions of company events
  • Tutorials on a given product and e-learning sessions on topics related to your area of expertise
  • Webinars
  • Interviews 
  • Drone videos

If you do not have the necessary resources within your company to make or edit videos, please know that you can resort to Giraldo Works consulting services in this area. 

3. Video Generates More Organic Sharing And Engagement

The videos seem to involve the spectator in a deeper way, generating more sharing when compared to other formats. For example, you can try traditional advertising on a TV channel, but that may not be the best strategy. Besides being in decline, this type of advertising is much more expensive.

With the emergence and growth of social networks, video has become the preferred format for users: according to 2018 data from Worldstream, videos shared on social networks generate on average 1200% more sharing than images and text put together.

According to Facebook, 48% of the video time users spend on this social network results from content shared by other users. In other words, all the data that prove that if you want to make your company in the mouths of users, betting on audiovisual content must become a priority.

4. The Probability of Increasing Your Revenues Is Higher

Most importantly, it is safe to say that audiovisual content increases your chances of selling. State of Video Marketing 2017 shows that 81% of users make the decision to buy a product or service after watching a video and, according to WorldStream, 46% of users take action after watching a video.

And, for the most forgotten, we recall the data we presented at the beginning of this article: companies that bet on marketing through videos generate 49% more revenue than those that do not use it.

5. Video Preference Came to Stay

If you think this is just a passing trend, unravel it. The video is here to stay and the most probable is that its consumption will even increase in the next years.  

At least this is what a report from CISCO points out, where the leading IT company in Portugal predicts that by 2022 the demand for videos will represent about 82% of all online traffic. This trend is in line with another study that highlights that video consumption through mobile devices has grown about 100% per year (HubSpot, 2017).

We hope that after this article there is no doubt that video marketing has to become a key strategy for your company. 

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